Tutankhamun's Egypt


When is Tutankhamun's Egypt on?

Tutankhamun's Egypt13/13. The final programme of the series looks at the life and times of Tutankhamun himself. Also in HD. [S]Mon, Feb 17, 10:50 pmBBC FOUR20 mins
Tutankhamun's Egypt13/13. The final programme of the series looks at the life and times of Tutankhamun himself. Also in HD. [S]Wed, Feb 19, 1:55 amBBC FOUR20 mins


Tutankhamun's Egypt12/13. Cyril Aldred explores the strange and exotic religion of the ancient Egyptians. Also in HD. [S]Thu, Feb 13, 2:30 amBBC FOUR20 mins
Tutankhamun's Egypt11/13. Cyril Aldred explores how important the army had become in New Kingdom times - Tutankhamun's two immediate successors on the throne of Egypt were both generals. Also in HD. [S]Thu, Feb 13, 2:10 amBBC FOUR20 mins
Tutankhamun's Egypt10/13. Cyril Aldred considers the role of artists in ancient Egypt. Also in HD. [S]Thu, Feb 13, 1:50 amBBC FOUR20 mins
Tutankhamun's Egypt12/13. Cyril Aldred explores the strange and exotic religion of the ancient Egyptians. Also in HD. [S]Mon, Feb 10, 11:30 pmBBC FOUR20 mins
Tutankhamun's Egypt11/13. Cyril Aldred explores how important the army had become in New Kingdom times - Tutankhamun's two immediate successors on the throne of Egypt were both generals. Also in HD. [S]Mon, Feb 10, 11:10 pmBBC FOUR20 mins
Tutankhamun's Egypt10/13. Cyril Aldred considers the role of artists in ancient Egypt. Also in HD. [S]Mon, Feb 10, 10:50 pmBBC FOUR20 mins
Tutankhamun's Egypt9/13. A look at how the ancient Egyptians were able to build on such an enormous scale. Also in HD. [S]Wed, Feb 5, 2:20 amBBC FOUR20 mins
Tutankhamun's Egypt9/13. A look at how the ancient Egyptians were able to build on such an enormous scale. Also in HD. [S]Wed, Feb 5, 2:10 amBBC FOUR20 mins
Tutankhamun's Egypt8/13. A look at the scribes' role as the administrative backbone of the Egyptian state machine. Also in HD. [S]Wed, Feb 5, 1:55 amBBC FOUR25 mins
Tutankhamun's Egypt8/13. A look at the scribes' role as the administrative backbone of the Egyptian state machine. Also in HD. [S]Wed, Feb 5, 1:50 amBBC FOUR20 mins
Tutankhamun's Egypt7/13. Cyril Aldred explores the role of the palace officials, who helped the pharaoh to govern. Also in HD. [S]Wed, Feb 5, 1:30 amBBC FOUR20 mins
Tutankhamun's Egypt9/13. A look at how the ancient Egyptians were able to build on such an enormous scale. Also in HD. [S]Mon, Feb 3, 11:40 pmBBC FOUR20 mins
Tutankhamun's Egypt8/13. A look at the scribes' role as the administrative backbone of the Egyptian state machine. Also in HD. [S]Mon, Feb 3, 11:20 pmBBC FOUR20 mins
Tutankhamun's Egypt7/13. Cyril Aldred explores the role of the palace officials, who helped the pharaoh to govern. Also in HD. [S]Mon, Feb 3, 11:00 pmBBC FOUR20 mins
Tutankhamun's Egypt3/13. Cyril Aldred explores how the 1954 discovery of the remains of the royal ship of Cheops proved that a nation which was built round the Nile had to be a nation of sailors. Also in HD. [S]Mon, Jan 20, 11:40 pmBBC FOUR20 mins
Tutankhamun's Egypt2/13. Cyril Aldred explores how all the striking achievements of the ancient Egyptians were based upon the farming of the narrow zone of fertile land along the banks of the Nile. Also in HD. [S]Mon, Jan 20, 11:20 pmBBC FOUR20 mins
Tutankhamun's Egypt1/13. An exploration of the pharaoh's role in ancient Egyptian life. Also in HD. [S]Mon, Jan 20, 11:00 pmBBC FOUR20 mins