Who Do You Think You Are?


Friday 24 May 2024  16:15 - 17:15 (60 mins)
Ralf Little heads to Orkney to investigate his grandfather's role in the Second World War. Also in HD. [S,AD]

Mentioned: Ralf, Albert, Arthur, Welsh, Albert Lockley, John Woollam, Chirk, Woollam, Manchester, Olive, Lockley, Royal Navy, Heather, Alan, Okinawa, Indefatigable, Ralph, British Pacific Fleet, Arthur Bailey, Wales, Rovers, Prestwich, Westminster Rovers, Boroughreeve, Nottinghamshire, Gran, HMS Indefatigable, Martha, Japanese, Orkneys

Who Do You Think You Are? may be available on playback
Who Do You Think You Are? (BBC TWO) Friday 24 May 2024 16:15 - 17:15