Super Sticky Situation. Lou wakes up to find himself on a lily pad in the middle of the lake. He freaks out at first, but his Calm Inner Voice comes to the rescue. Also in HD. [S]
Stuck. Kiri loves to swing on vines, but one day a vine breaks, causing her to fly through the air and get stuck in a tree. Who is going to rescue her? Also in HD. [S]
No Gnashing. Kiri and Lou are invited to lunch with two very slow snails, Hemi and Lemi. Kiri is famished, but she tries to be polite and not gnash her teeth. Also in HD. [S]
Super Sticky Situation. Lou wakes up to find himself on a lily pad in the middle of the lake. He freaks out at first, but his Calm Inner Voice comes to the rescue. Also in HD. [S]
Imaginary Friend. Kiri feels left out when Lou plays with their new friend Sorry. But then she discovers how fun it can be to have an imaginary friend. Also in HD. [S]