Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. Woof is afraid of the thunder so Nelly and Nora try to calm him down. [S] Followed by My Petsaurus.
The sun shows special things to Nelly and Nora. [S] Followed by My Petsaurus; In the park, Chloe and Topsy meet some new friends - Lewis and his pet stegosaurus Peggy.
Nelly and Nora want to enjoy a sunset picnic, but annoying midges won't leave... [S] Followed by My Petsaurus; Chloe makes her very own obstacle course in the house for Topsy to show off his skills.
The pond has frozen over, so Nelly and Nora help the ducks find the water again. [S] Followed by My Petsaurus; It's a rainy day and Chloe is happily playing indoors, but Topsy wants to go outside.
The sun is drying up the water, so Nelly and Nora make a rockpool rescue. [S] Followed by My Petsaurus; Grandpa's budgie has come to stay, but Topsy doesn't seem to get on with their new guest.
Sand Monster Nelly and Sand Monster Nora love to knock down sandcastles! Followed by My Petsaurus; Topsy guards the house from all the early morning deliveries.
22/52. Cartoon following two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. Nelly and Nora go exploring to find out what made the big noise in the forest. [S]
21/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. Nelly and Nora try to work out who made the tracks in the snow.
20/52. Cartoon following two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. On a cloudless night, Nelly and Nora help Mrs Bonner search for her cat Morris. [S]
20/52. Cartoon following two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. On a cloudless night, Nelly and Nora help Mrs Bonner search for her cat Morris. [S]
17/52. Cartoon following two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. Nelly and Nora try to make the cows stand up so that Dad won't think it's going to rain. [S]
17/52. Cartoon following two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. Nelly and Nora try to make the cows stand up so that Dad won't think it's going to rain. [S]
15/52. Cartoon following two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. Nelly and Nora gather rainwater so they can make their own raindrop music. [S]
15/52. Cartoon following two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. Nelly and Nora gather rainwater so they can make their own raindrop music. [S]
14/52. Cartoon following two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. Farmer Joe is spreading smelly seaweed on the field, and the smell drifts over to Nelly and Nora. [S]
14/52. Cartoon following two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. Farmer Joe is spreading smelly seaweed on the field, and the smell drifts over to Nelly and Nora. [S]
13/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. Nelly and Nora figure out how to walk around without slipping on icy patches. [S]
13/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. Nelly and Nora figure out how to walk around without slipping on icy patches. [S]
12/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. Nelly and Nora help Oliver rescue his boot from a muddy puddle. [S]
12/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. Nelly and Nora help Oliver rescue his boot from a muddy puddle. [S]
11/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. It is too windy for umbrellas and hats, but not too windy for Nelly and Nora. [S]
11/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. It is too windy for umbrellas and hats, but not too windy for Nelly and Nora.
8/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. It is foggy in the camping park and the girls use sound to find their way around. [S]
8/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. It is foggy in the camping park and the girls use sound to find their way around. [S]
7/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. It's a perfect day for the beach, if only the sheep would get out of the way! [S]
7/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. It's a perfect day for the beach, if only the sheep would get out of the way! [S]
6/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. Nelly and Nora find a fallen cloud and try to get it back into the sky.
6/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. Nelly and Nora find a fallen cloud and try to get it back into the sky.
5/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. On a frosty day, Nelly and Nora discover their breath is making clouds. [S]
5/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. On a frosty day, Nelly and Nora discover their breath is making clouds. [S]
4/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. It hasn't rained in ages. Nelly and Nora find a thirsty flower that needs water. [S]
4/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. It hasn't rained in ages. Nelly and Nora find a thirsty flower that needs water. [S]
2/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. When the sand heats up, Nelly and Nora hotfoot it around the beach. [S]
2/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. When the sand heats up, Nelly and Nora hotfoot it around the beach. [S]
1/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. It's a very windy day, and Nelly and Nora have to work together to get home. [S]
1/52. Cartoon following the adventures of two Irish sisters on holiday in a caravan park. It's a very windy day, and Nelly and Nora have to work together to get home. [S]