Woodgrubs. Animated fantasy adventure show. Strange treequakes beneath Treetop Castle lead Tom and Twigs into an epic adventure in the caverns on the trail of a giant woodgrub. [S,SL]
The Cavern Coaster. Animated fantasy adventure show. Zigzoo builds a train in the sap caverns to help Squirmtum with his work but gets carried away making it into a fun ride. [S,SL]
6/26. Animated fantasy adventure show. Tom and Twigs find Rickety's old racing car, the Turbo Rantula, and challenge the Mushas to the most famous race in Treetopolis. [S,SL]
5/26. Animated fantasy adventure show. Tom loses a special toy bear and his search for it becomes an epic adventure as his tickle teddy falls into the Mushas' hands. [S,SL]
17/20. Animated fantasy adventure show. The Dark Sprites are in Treetopolis and are keen to try out new things and get lured away by the Mushas and their cool gadgets. [S,SL]
3/20. Animated fantasy adventure show. Tom meets a red magic guru called Muru, and takes a trip to the deepest darkest caverns in search of a red crystal. [S,SL]
12/13. Animated fantasy adventure show. Stink accidentally discovers the long-lost Golden Crown of Greatness and is magically elevated to regal status. [S,SL]
10/26. Animated fantasy adventure show. It is carnival day in Treetopolis and Tom gets more than he bargains for when he uses magic to make himself funny. [S]
11/13. Animated fantasy adventure show. It's a big day at Tree Fu Rangers Club with three new badges up for grabs - Trail Tracker, Baking with Magic and Speedy Harvester. [S,SL]
8/13. Animated fantasy adventure show. Tom and Twigs plant carrot seeds in order to earn their Green Fingers badges, but the carrots grow too big! [S,SL]
8/26. Animated fantasy adventure show. Zigzoo builds a train in the sap caverns to help Squirmtum with his work but gets carried away making it into a fun ride. [S]
7/13. Animated fantasy adventure show. Tom, Twigs and Chezz head out to find sparkle spores guarded by the legendary bigfoot beetle. Is the beetle real or just a story? [S,SL]
2/13. Animated fantasy adventure show. When Squirmtum finds a sapstone belt, he decides to become a superhero, leaving behind his day job as a sap collector. [S,SL]
5/26. Animated fantasy adventure show. Tom loses a special toy bear and his search for it becomes an epic adventure as his tickle teddy falls into the Mushas' hands. [S]
1/13. Animated fantasy adventure show. Tom and Twigs learn a new spell involving a magic potion and some Tree Fu moves. Tom struggles to master the spell. [S,SL]
13/26. Animated fantasy adventure show. When the gang run out of squizzles, they must go on a quest to find the elusive squizzle tree and restore the squizzle supply. [S,SL]
10/26. Animated fantasy adventure show. It is carnival day in Treetopolis and Tom gets more than he bargains for when he uses magic to make himself funny. [S,SL]
19/20. Animated fantasy adventure show. Muru challenges Tom, Twigs and Racquette to cross the Dead Branch Desert without flying or stepping on the ground. [S,SL]
17/20. Animated fantasy adventure show. The Dark Sprites are in Treetopolis and are keen to try out new things and get lured away by the Mushas and their cool gadgets. [S,SL]
7/13. Animated fantasy adventure show. Tom, Twigs and Chezz head out to find sparkle spores guarded by the legendary bigfoot beetle. Is the beetle real or just a story? [S]
5/13. Animated fantasy adventure show. Tom and Twigs help Ariela get rid of weeds that burst into ear-splitting song and crescendo until they explode. [S]
12/20. Animated fantasy adventure show. There is a race to pick the first Wonderful Wish Fruit, as whoever picks the first one chooses how all the fruit will taste. [S,SL]
2/13. Animated fantasy adventure show. When Squirmtum finds a sapstone belt, he decides to become a superhero, leaving behind his day job as a sap collector. [S]