Getting Better. Live-action children's show. When Tig has chickenpox she finds getting better difficult. Woolly helps to make Tig's recovery easier. Also in HD. [S]
Sandcastle. Live-action children's show. Tig builds a sandcastle at the beach and wants to take it home with her. Woolly explains that the sand belongs to the beach and the sea. Also in HD. [S]
Funny Tummy. Live-action children's show. When a boy accidentally pushes Tig at nursery school, Tig does not want to go back and gets a pain in her tummy. Also in HD. [S]
Fussy. Live-action children's show. Tig has a fussy day. When it comes to tobogganing indoors, she has to make compromises and not be quite so fussy in order to have fun. Also in HD. [S]
Getting Better. Live-action children's show. When Tig has chickenpox she finds getting better difficult. Woolly helps to make Tig's recovery easier. Also in HD. [S]
Echoes. Live-action children's show. Tig and her friend Timmy visit a castle and get scared by strange sounds in the castle. Woolly explains that they are echoes. Also in HD. [S]
Sandcastle. Live-action children's show. Tig builds a sandcastle at the beach and wants to take it home with her. Woolly explains that the sand belongs to the beach and the sea. Also in HD. [S]
Sleepover. Live-action children's show. Tig goes to stay the night with her friend Angel. At night she finds herself all alone with everyone else asleep. Also in HD. [S]
Big Stomps. Live-action children's show. Everyone else on holiday is a bit older than Tig. Tig is frustrated that she cannot do all the things that her friends can do. Also in HD. [S]
Choosing. Live-action children's show. Tig and her mum go shopping for new clothes. Tig can't decide between red shoes and blue shoes. Woolly helps her choose. Also in HD. [S]
Hospital. Live-action children's show. When Tig's dad goes to hospital, Tig refuses to see him. Woolly helps Tig understand about hospitals and patients. Also in HD. [S]
Granny No No. Live-action children's show. Tig thinks her granny is always saying no to her. Woolly helps Tig to see the positives in her granny. Also in HD. [S]
The Painting Day. Live-action children's show. Tig is at a painting day and refuses to go to the large public toilets. Woolly helps Tig overcome her fear of the toilets. Also in HD. [S]
Sharing. Live-action children's show. When Tig's friend Angel comes to play, Tig doesn't like Angel playing with her toys. Woolly shows how sharing can be fun. Also in HD. [S]
Museum of Imagination. Live-action children's show. Tig's friend Timmy has a great imagination and makes the visit to the museum a little too exciting. Also in HD. [S]
Changing My Room. Live-action children's show. Dad dismantles Tig's old cot to lend to a new baby, but Tig is not happy that her room is being changed. Also in HD. [S]
Swing Park. Live-action children's show. When Tig goes to the swing park with her dad, she sees her friend Angel playing with some children she doesn't know. Also in HD. [S]
One Step at a Time. Live-action children's show. When Tig and her dad are confronted by a big cow, Tig is frightened. Woolly helps Tig overcome her fear. Also in HD. [S]
Timmy's Monsters. Live-action children's show. When Timmy comes to play he shows Tig how to draw monsters. Tig loves the drawings and puts them under her bed. Also in HD. [S]
Open Wide. Live-action children's show. Tig visits the dentist to have her teeth counted, but when she sits in the dentist's chair, she refuses to open her mouth. Also in HD. [S]
Eating New Foods. Live-action children's show. Tig visits a restaurant, but she is put off eating a new dish when she tastes an olive. Woolly encourages Tig to try the dish again. Also in HD. [S]
The Party. Live-action children's show. Tig gets fed up at a party because she doesn't win a game. Woolly tells Tig that it isn't all about winning - it is about having fun playing. Also in HD. [S]
Hair Wash Day. Live-action children's show. Tig is playing hide-and-seek with Dad before bath time. When she hears it is hair wash day, she doesn't want to be found. Also in HD. [S]
The Dance Class. Live-action children's show. Tig goes to her first dancing class but does not join in because the dancing teacher shouts. Woolly explains why the teacher shouts. Also in HD. [S]
The Funfair. Live-action children's show. Tig and Angel go to the fun fair, but Tig finds all the noises overwhelming and frightening and wants to go home. Also in HD. [S]
Baby Ben. Live-action children's show. Tig is looking forward to baby Ben coming for the day, but Ben soon becomes more important than Tig. Also in HD. [S]
First Day. Live-action children's show. Tig and her toy spider Woolly explore new experiences. Woolly tells Tig how to help a little boy on his first day at nursery school. Also in HD. [S]
Baby Ben. Live-action children's show. Tig is looking forward to baby Ben coming for the day, but Ben soon becomes more important than Tig. Also in HD. [S]
Shadows. Live-action children's show. When Tig gets a new night light she is frightened by shadows. Woolly shows Tig how to have fun with shadows. Also in HD. [S]
Rain. Live-action children's show. Dad has his car cleaned and then the rain makes it dirty again. Woolly shows Tig how to cheer her dad up and have fun in the rain. Also in HD. [S]
Subway. Live-action children's show. Tig loves playing subway trains. Woolly shows her how playing subway trains on a real subway is not a good idea. Also in HD. [S]
The Wedding. Live-action children's show. When Tig's Aunt Shonagh gets married, Tig is a flower girl. Tig does an impromptu dance and brings the wedding to a halt. Also in HD. [S]
Quiet. Live-action children's show. Tig visits a forest, but she doesn't like the quiet. Woolly makes her aware that quiet is more interesting than she might have thought. Also in HD. [S]
Excited. Live-action children's show. When Tig goes to a town festival, she is very excited. When she meets her friend Angel at the festival, she becomes even more excited. Also in HD. [S]
Getting Better. Live-action children's show. When Tig has chickenpox she finds getting better difficult. Woolly helps to make Tig's recovery easier. Also in HD. [S]