Saturday Night Fever

Channel 4

Monday 27 May 2024  00:00 - 02:05 (125 mins)
(1977) Drama. John Travolta stars as a top disco dancer determined to win the prize that will get him out of the ghetto. It's the white suit, the great moves... but it's also quite dark. [S]

Mentioned: Tony, Frank, Annette, Stephanie, Jesus, Pete, Bobby, Double J, Pauline, Gus, Gimme, Jesus Christ, Forget, Joey, Manhattan, Burn, Watch, Stayin, Pope, Pacino, Stephanie Mongano, Tony Manero, Tone, Father, Night, Nothin, People, TONY, Laurence Olivier, Mom

Saturday Night Fever may be available on playback
Saturday Night Fever (Channel 4) Monday 27 May 2024 00:00 - 02:05