Work on the Wild Side

Channel 4

Friday 19 April 2024  11:00 - 12:00 (60 mins)
Vets and volunteers rescue and rehabilitate animals in South Africa. Emily helps four young antelope who are being bullied by an older male. Emma rehabilitates a rescued caracal. (Ep10) [AD,S]

Mentioned: Emily, Rachael, Cornelius, Olive, Faye, Hawk, Pablo, Caracals, Bob, DNA, Caracal, Emma, Rhino Day, Ruby, South Africa, Hair, Debbie, Febreze, Hawky, Feel, Watch, Avanti Travel Insurance, Fresh, Arthur, Ariel, Darcey

Work on the Wild Side may be available on playback
Work on the Wild Side (Channel 4) Friday 19 April 2024 11:00 - 12:00