Witness Number 3



New: Witness Number 3In the middle of the night, Po enters Jodie's home, under orders from the gang. After a violent struggle, she locks herself in the panic room as a last line of defence. (Ep 4)[AD,S]Thu, Jul 21, 9:00 pmChannel 560 mins
New: Witness Number 3Jodie goes on the run, fearing for her life as both a corrupt cop and the gang are after her. Detective Whelan agrees to take Jodie to a remote cabin, a temporary safe house. ( Ep 3)[AD,S]Wed, Jul 20, 9:00 pmChannel 560 mins
New: Witness Number 3After an attack on Jodie's salon, the police increase her flat's defences - strengthening the windows and doors. As she gets closer and closer to her contact officer Ivan, suspicions are raised.[AD,S]Tue, Jul 19, 9:00 pmChannel 560 mins
New: Witness Number 3[AD,S]Mon, Jul 18, 9:00 pmChannel 560 mins