Look Who's Purging Now: Rick and Morty visit a normally peaceful planet - just in time for its annual one-night-only ultra-violent 'festival' of open warfare. (S2 Ep9/10) [AD,S,W]
A Rickle in Time: Rick unfreezes time, hoping that everything will return to normal, but Morty and Summer's feelings of uncertainty split reality, leaving them lost in oblivion. (S2 Ep1/10) [AD,S]
Mortynight Run: When Rick sells a gun to an alien assassin to raise the money for a visit to a video games arcade, Morty tries to stop the hitman before he can kill his target. (S2 Ep2/10) [AD,S]
Auto Erotic Assimilation: On one of their jaunts, Rick, Morty and Summer encounter a spaceship that has been attacked and taken over by an assimilating hive mind named Unity. (S2 Ep3/10) [AD,S]
Total Rickall: The family battle an alien parasite that survives and multiplies by implanting fake memories into people's heads and has convinced them it's their 'Uncle Steve'. (S2 Ep4/10) [AD,S,W]
Get Schwifty: When a huge alien head demands catchy new music for an intergalactic song competition, Rick, Morty and Ice-T must write a tune to save Earth from destruction. (S2 Ep5/10) [AD,S]
The Ricks Must Be Crazy: When the ship's battery fails, Rick and Morty must go inside the tiny universe that Rick created inside it. (S2 Ep6/10) [AD,S]
Big Trouble in Little Sanchez: Summer becomes terrified by the possibility of a vampire attack. Rick urges Beth and Jerry to resolve their problems by having off-planet therapy. (S2 Ep7/10) [AD,S]
Interdimensional Cable 2: Tempting Fate: Jerry gets ill after accidentally ingesting mutant bacteria. The family rush him to hospital in space, where he's given a tough choice. (S2 Ep8/10) [AD,S]
The Wedding Squanchers: When Rick's invited to Birdperson and Tammy's wedding, Jerry is accidentally transported to the distant planet hosting the ill-fated event. (S2 Ep10/10) [AD,S]
The Wedding Squanchers: When Rick's invited to Birdperson and Tammy's wedding, Jerry is accidentally transported to the distant planet hosting the ill-fated event. (S2 Ep10/10) [AD,S]
Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind: When 27 Ricks from alternate dimensions are murdered and their respective Mortys are kidnapped, Rick is framed for the crimes. (S1 Ep10/11) [AD,S]
Something Ricked This Way Comes: Rick annoys Summer when he battles with the sinister owner of the second-hand shop where she has started a new job. (S1 Ep9/11) [AD,S]
Rixty Minutes: Rick hacks the family's TV to get programmes from infinite realities. But everything goes wrong when Jerry, Beth and Summer use Rick's interdimensional goggles. (S1 Ep8/11) [AD,S]
Raising Gazorpazorp: Morty fathers an alien baby after convincing Rick to buy him a sexy robot. Rick and Summer visit the robot's planet but get trapped in another dimension. (S1 Ep7/11) [AD,S]
Meeseeks and Destroy: Rick allows Morty to lead their next expedition, and provides an inventive solution to the family's trivial problems. (S1 Ep5/11) [AD,S]
M. Night Shaym-Aliens!: Rick and Morty try to get to the bottom of a twisted mystery when aliens transport them into an alternate reality created in a huge simulation chamber. (S1 Ep4/11) [AD,S]
Anatomy Park: Rick has built a tiny amusement park inside his homeless friend Ruben's body, but when problems arise he must shrink Morty down and inject him into the site. (S1 Ep3/11) [AD,S]
Lawnmower Dog: Rick builds a device to make the family dog Snuffles more intelligent but things go awry. Rick and Morty invade the dreams of Morty's maths teacher Mr Goldenfold. (S1 Ep2/11) [AD,S]
Ricktional Mortpoon's Rickmas Mortcation: Morty's always wanted a certain gift for Christmas, but never gets it. This might be the year that Rick finally caves. (S6 Ep10) [AD,S]
A Rick in King Mortur's Mort: If Rick tells you not to do something, don't do it. Morty receives a gift from a random stranger on the street. (S6 Ep9/10) [AD,S]
Analyze P***: Funny random characters start popping up more and more. Rick is exhausted from having to deal with them. What does this mean for him? (S6 Ep8/10) [AD,S]
JuRicksic Mort: Out of the blue, Earth's old rulers return. They make a great case for changing the way society works, but Rick isn't going to put up with it. (S6 Ep6) [AD,S]
Final DeSmithation: The Smiths dine at their favourite Chinese restaurant and read their fortune cookies aloud. Pretty normal stuff - until Jerry reads his. (S6 Ep5) [AD,S]
Night Family: The family discover that Rick's been using some new technology, and they want to try it too. But when they do, classic Rick and Morty chaos ensues. (S6 Ep4) [AD,S]
Bethic Twinstinct: The Smiths celebrate one of their favourite holidays while Summer and Morty lock into their new ultra-realistic video game console. (S6 Ep3) [AD,S]
Rick: A Mort Well Lived: Morty is trapped and the only way to save him is for Summer to do a Die Hard. Which won't be easy, because she's never seen it... (S6 Ep2) [AD,S]
Rickmurai Jack: In the second part of the two-part finale, Rick is living his best anime life, making new friends and taking down new enemies. (S5 Ep10) [AD,S]
Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort: The fifth series of the critically acclaimed, Emmy Award-winning animation. Rick attempts to save a beloved friend. (S5 Ep8) [AD,S]
Final DeSmithation: The Smiths dine at their favourite Chinese restaurant and read their fortune cookies aloud. Pretty normal stuff - until Jerry reads his. (S6 Ep5) [AD,S]
Night Family: The family discover that Rick's been using some new technology, and they want to try it too. But when they do, classic Rick and Morty chaos ensues. (S6 Ep4) [AD,S]
Gotron Jerrysis Rickvangelion: Summer enables Rick's addiction to collecting giant combining robots, and the family becomes The Family. (S5 Ep7) [AD,S]
Rick & Morty's Thanksploitation Spectacular: In this Thanksgiving episode, Rick and Morty need to get a presidential pardon. Guest starring Timothy Olyphant. (S5 Ep6) [AD,S]
Amortycan Grickfitti: Emmy-winning animation. Summer and Morty steal Rick's car to impress a new kid at school. Rick and Jerry have a guys' night from hell. (S5 Ep5) [AD,S]
Rickdependence Spray: The fifth series of the Emmy-winning animation. A failed Rick experiment creates monsters that threaten the country. (S5 Ep4) [AD,S]
A Rickconvenient Mort: Morty falls in love with an environmental superhero, while Rick and Summer go on an apocalypse bar crawl. Guest starring Steve Buscemi. (S5 Ep3)
Mortyplicity: The fifth series of the Emmy Award-winning animation. The Smiths suspect they're being hunted. But who's even real? Guest starring Keith David. (S5 Ep2)
Star Mort Rickturn of the Jerri: The season finale is a family adventure with an invisibility belt - but can a family that disappears together stay together? (S4 Ep10)
Amortycan Grickfitti: Emmy-winning animation. Summer and Morty steal Rick's car to impress a new kid at school. Rick and Jerry have a guys' night from hell. (S5 Ep5) [AD,S]
A Rickconvenient Mort: Morty falls in love with an environmental superhero, while Rick and Summer go on an apocalypse bar crawl. Guest starring Steve Buscemi. (S5 Ep3) [AD,S]
Mortyplicity: The fifth series of the Emmy Award-winning animation. The Smiths suspect they're being hunted. But who's even real? Guest starring Keith David. (S5 Ep2) [AD,S]
Star Mort Rickturn of the Jerri: The season finale is a family adventure with an invisibility belt - but can a family that disappears together stay together? (S4 Ep10) [AD,S]
Never Ricking Morty: Rick and Morty find themselves on a space train that's one big narrative device filled with weird passengers telling increasingly ridiculous anthology stories. (S4 Ep6)
Rattlestar Ricklactica: While repairing a flat tyre in outer space, Morty suffers a potentially lethal snake bite that leads to a tricky encounter with a snake civilisation. (S4 Ep5) [AD,S]
Claw and Hoarder: Special Ricktim's Morty: Rick promises Morty he can get a new companion: a flying, fire-breathing dragon. Jerry meets a mysterious talking cat. (S4 Ep4) [AD,S]
One Crew Over the Crewcoo's Morty: Rick and Morty go treasure-hunting in an alien temple, but discover that a heist expert has already snatched the prize. (S4 Ep3) [AD,S]
The Old Man and the Seat: Rick is furious when he finds out that an alien has invaded his secret toilet facility in an idyllic dimension that Rick built for his own use. (S4 Ep2) [AD,S]
Childrick of Mort: Rick, Morty, Beth, Summer and Jerry share a family vacation kind of galactic adventure. What could possibly go wrong? (S4 Ep9) [AD,S]