
Venom cover

When is Venom on?

Venom(2018) Dark sci-fi action with Tom Hardy as Marvel's anti-hero. A reporter becomes inhabited by a ferocious extraterrestrial that has its own ideas on how to behave. With Michelle Williams. [AD,S,W]Sat, Oct 26, 9:00 pmFilm4130 mins


Venom(2018) Dark sci-fi action starring Tom Hardy as Marvel's anti-hero. A reporter becomes inhabited by a ferocious extraterrestrial. With Michelle Williams. Violent horror/strong language. [AD,S]Fri, Oct 13, 10:00 pmE4135 mins
Venom(2018) Dark sci-fi action starring Tom Hardy as Marvel's anti-hero. A reporter becomes inhabited by a ferocious extraterrestrial. With Michelle Williams. Violent horror/strong language. [AD,S]Sun, Oct 8, 9:00 pmE4125 mins