
Armageddon cover


Armageddon(1998) Michael Bay's star-studded disaster movie starring Bruce Willis. The world's greatest drillers are sent into space to nuke a huge asteroid that's hurtling towards the Earth. [S,W]Sun, Oct 1, 9:00 pmFilm4180 mins
Armageddon(1998) Michael Bay's star-studded disaster movie starring Bruce Willis. The world's greatest drillers are sent into space to nuke a huge asteroid that's hurtling towards the Earth. [AD,S,W]Mon, Sept 25, 9:00 pmFilm4180 mins
Armageddon(1998) Michael Bay's star-studded disaster movie starring Bruce Willis. The world's greatest drillers are sent into space to nuke a huge asteroid that's hurtling towards the Earth. [S]Wed, Jul 26, 9:00 pmFilm4185 mins
Armageddon(1998) Michael Bay's star-studded disaster movie starring Bruce Willis. The world's greatest drillers are sent into space to nuke a huge asteroid that's hurtling towards the Earth. [S]Fri, Jul 21, 9:00 pmFilm4185 mins