The Last Hurrah


Wednesday 22 May 2024  16:30 - 18:55 (145 mins)
(1958) Satirical, political drama with Spencer Tracy. Ruthless mayor Frank Skeffington seeks re-election for the fifth and final time. But have his old tactics run their course? [S,W]

Mentioned: Frank, McCluskey, Ditto, Adam, Honour, Goodnight, John, Knocko, Eminence, Uncle Frank, Degnan, Quiet, Gert, Junior, Maeve, Cass, Mayor, Winslow, Kate, Knocko Minihan, Norman, Johnny, Norman Cass, Gentlemen, Valerie, Dad, Minihan, Kevin McCluskey, Charlie, Cardinal

The Last Hurrah (Film4) Wednesday 22 May 2024 16:30 - 18:55