Denzel Washington stars as a police detective who enters a high-stakes negotiation with a criminal (Clive Owen) after a heist spirals into a hostage situation. (2006)
Denzel Washington stars as a police detective who enters a high-stakes negotiation with a criminal (Clive Owen) after a heist spirals into a hostage situation. (2006)
Denzel Washington stars as a police detective who enters a high-stakes negotiation with a criminal (Clive Owen) after a heist spirals into a hostage situation. (2006)
Denzel Washington stars as a police detective who enters a high-stakes negotiation with a criminal (Clive Owen) after a heist spirals into a hostage situation. (2006)
Denzel Washington stars as a police detective who enters a high-stakes negotiation with a criminal (Clive Owen) after a heist spirals into a hostage situation. (2006)
Denzel Washington stars as a police detective who enters a high-stakes negotiation with a criminal (Clive Owen) after a heist spirals into a hostage situation. (2006)
Denzel Washington stars as a police detective who enters a high-stakes negotiation with a criminal (Clive Owen) after a heist spirals into a hostage situation. (2006)
Denzel Washington stars as a police detective who enters a high-stakes negotiation with a criminal (Clive Owen) after a heist spirals into a hostage situation. (2006)