Evocative true crime series. The investigation takes an unexpected turn as modern technology reveals a new victim and Marcel learns that detectives are flying out to the Far East. [S,AD] S1 Ep2
Evocative true crime series. Marcel Theroux investigates the killing of Eve Stratford, a Bunny Girl at London's Playboy nightclub, and examines its links to another murder case. [S,AD] S1 Ep1
Evocative true crime series. The investigation takes an unexpected turn as modern technology reveals a new victim and Marcel learns that detectives are flying out to the Far East. [S,AD] S1 Ep2
Evocative true crime series. Marcel Theroux investigates the killing of Eve Stratford, a Bunny Girl at London's Playboy nightclub, and examines its links to another murder case. [S,AD] S1 Ep1
Evocative true crime series. The investigation takes an unexpected turn as modern technology reveals a new victim and Marcel learns that detectives are flying out to the Far East. [S,AD] S1 Ep2
Evocative true crime series. Marcel Theroux investigates the killing of Eve Stratford, a Bunny Girl at London's Playboy nightclub, and examines its links to another murder case. [S,AD] S1 Ep1