Agatha Christie's Poirot


Saturday 27 April 2024  06:30 - 07:40 (70 mins)
The Third Floor Flat: Poirot discovers a murder in his own block of flats and goes on the trail of boisterous neighbours and strange nocturnal noises in the lift shaft. [SL,S,AD] S1 Ep5

Mentioned: Jimmy, Hastings, Pat, Poirot, Monsieur Bailey, Donovan, Lady Muriel, Grant, Mademoiselle Patricia, Chief Inspector, Frazer, Monsieur Poirot, JF, John Frazer, Voila, Ernestine, Sadler, Hercule Poirot, Mildred, Life, Trotter, Deadly Shroud, Matthews, Inspector, Ernestine Grant, Drink, Lemon

Agatha Christie's Poirot may be available on playback
Agatha Christie's Poirot (ITV3) Saturday 27 April 2024 06:30 - 07:40