The Sweeney


Tuesday 14 May 2024  07:15 - 08:10 (55 mins)
Faces: Police series. When a gang hijack an armoured security truck, Regan, Carter and the Flying Squad set up an ambush to catch the crooks. But who's the informer? [SL,S] S2 Ep2

Mentioned: Tober, Guv, George, Regan, Jack, German, Zulu, Sergeant, Major, Doc Boyd, Schmidt, Jenkins, Guv'nor, Sweeney, Major Carver, Evil Willie, Trap, Carver, Carter, Doc, Inspector, People, Charlie, Boyd, Drop, LPP, Special Branch, Forget, Jake, Leave

The Sweeney may be available on playback
The Sweeney (ITV4) Tuesday 14 May 2024 07:15 - 08:10