The Sweeney


Tuesday 21 May 2024  07:10 - 08:10 (60 mins)
Golden Fleece: Chief Inspector Haskins is framed for corruption while Regan and Carter investigate a spate of break-ins. Is there a connection? [SL,S] S2 Ep7

Mentioned: Haskins, Jack, Warburton, Krugerrands, Frank, Inspector, Wally Vince, Wally, Cowley, A10, George, Colin, Judy, Ray, Australians, Flying Squad, Aussie, Vince, Bring, Sergeant, Regan, Straight, Greenwich, Cutty Sark, McGruder, Joanie, Gerrards Cross, Security, Durham, Doreen

The Sweeney may be available on playback
The Sweeney (ITV4) Tuesday 21 May 2024 07:10 - 08:10