Already unhappy that her false admission in court might lose her custody of Stanley Rita gets more depressed as she loses handsome divorced Howard to Leo.
Already unhappy that her false admission in court might lose her custody of Stanley Rita gets more depressed as she loses handsome divorced Howard to Leo.
As news spreads of Harvey's night with Rita, Nan is disapproving, Frieda feels betrayed and Harvey himself feels used since it nullifies all charges of adultery against his wife.
As news spreads of Harvey's night with Rita, Nan is disapproving, Frieda feels betrayed and Harvey himself feels used since it nullifies all charges of adultery against his wife.
Harvey feels Stanley is out of control and wants him to move in with him and Freida. But Freida seems to be set on her own career. Rita and Nan face changes in their love lives.
Harvey feels Stanley is out of control and wants him to move in with him and Freida. But Freida seems to be set on her own career. Rita and Nan face changes in their love lives.
It's the coldest winter for fifty years, and, whilst Harvey gets cosy with Frieda, Rita is feeling the bite. She has to deal with problems from the headmaster, the salon and Leo.
When Nan, Harvey's mother, goes down with pneumonia, Harvey finds himself paying out doctor's bills and the money the imprisoned Lou buried in the park is no good as it is out of date.
When Nan, Harvey's mother, goes down with pneumonia, Harvey finds himself paying out doctor's bills and the money the imprisoned Lou buried in the park is no good as it is out of date.
With Christmas approaching Harvey is anxious to get Stanley a bike for his birthday and works long hours at a department store to do so. But, his plans don't go smoothly.
Harvey takes Stanley's headmistress, Harriet, out for dinner to an upmarket restaurant in order to thank her for helping Stanley get into grammar school.
Harvey is unhappy when the Labour Exchange get him a job as a sales clerk and he learns that Stanley is truanting but only goes into school when there are sweet desserts.
With Christmas approaching Harvey is anxious to get Stanley a bike for his birthday and works long hours at a department store to do so. But, his plans don't go smoothly.
Harvey takes Stanley's headmistress, Harriet, out for dinner to an upmarket restaurant in order to thank her for helping Stanley get into grammar school.
Harvey is unhappy when the Labour Exchange get him a job as a sales clerk and he learns that Stanley is truanting but only goes into school when there are sweet desserts.
Harvey feels Stanley is out of control and wants him to move in with him and Freida. But Freida seems to be set on her own career. Rita and Nan face changes in their love lives.
It's the coldest winter for fifty years, and, whilst Harvey gets cosy with Frieda, Rita is feeling the bite. She has to deal with problems from the headmaster, the salon and Leo.