Ancient Aliens



Ancient AliensThe UFO Pioneers: In the 20th century, pioneering scientists, journalists and investigators defied convention and began documenting UFOs.Wed, May 22, 4:10 amTCC50 mins
Ancient AliensImpossible Artefacts: Throughout the world, ancient objects have been found that leave archaeologists at a loss. What do they reveal about the world we live in today?Sat, May 18, 4:10 amTCC50 mins
Ancient AliensThe Galactic Keyhole: The mysterious symbol of the keyhole exists in ancient artwork found all over the planet. Could this cryptic shape represent a connection to the cosmos?Fri, May 17, 4:10 amTCC50 mins
Ancient AliensThe Lost Kingdom: According to the earliest Tibetan traditions, hidden high in the Himalayas is a kingdom of the gods - Shambhala. Is it possible it truly exists?Thu, May 16, 4:10 amTCC50 mins
Ancient AliensAliens and the Presidents: The White House has consistently denied any knowledge of aliens, but is it in fact possible that extraterrestrials have been influencing Presidents?Wed, May 15, 4:10 amTCC50 mins
Ancient AliensThe Immortality Machine: In the Mojave Desert, there is a structure built to bestow everlasting life. According to the architect, the blueprint was provided by an alien visitor.Tue, May 14, 4:10 amTCC50 mins
Ancient AliensDestination Chile: Is there a reason why Chile boasts the highest number of annual UFO sightings of any nation on Earth?Fri, May 10, 4:10 amTCC50 mins
Ancient AliensThe Relics of Roswell: In 1947, the US military collected the debris of what they claimed was a crashed weather balloon outside Roswell, New Mexico. But was there more to it?Thu, May 9, 4:10 amTCC50 mins
Ancient AliensSecrets of the Exoplanets: Over the past 20 years, thousands of potentially habitable exoplanets have been found. Could they be home to intelligent extraterrestrial life?Wed, May 8, 4:10 amTCC50 mins
Ancient AliensHuman Hieroglyphs: Tattoos and piercings account for a billion-dollar industry. But is it a form of self-expression, or motivated by a link to our ancestors?Sat, May 4, 4:10 amTCC50 mins
Ancient AliensThe Secrets of Stonehenge: A shocking DNA study released in 2018 reveals that the original builders of Stonehenge mysteriously vanished. But where did they go?Fri, May 3, 4:10 amTCC50 mins
Ancient AliensThe Alien Mountain: Could a mysterious mountain in northern Italy be attracting extraterrestrial visitors?Thu, May 2, 4:10 amTCC50 mins