Stranger From Venus


When is Stranger From Venus on?

Stranger From Venus1954. Sci-fi. Directed by Burt Balaban. A beautifully-crafted tale. A woman (Patricia Neal) meets a man (Dantine) from Venus with no pulse to warn Earth about the atom. Also starring Derek Bond. [S]Sat, May 25, 6:20 amTalkingPictures TV95 mins


Stranger From Venus1954. Sci-fi. Directed by Burt Balaban. A beautifully-crafted tale. A woman (Patricia Neal) meets a man (Dantine) from Venus with no pulse to warn Earth about the atom. Also starring Derek Bond. [S]Sat, Dec 30, 6:00 amTalkingPictures TV95 mins
Stranger From Venus1954. Sci-fi. Directed by Burt Balaban. A beautifully-crafted tale. A woman (Patricia Neal) meets a man (Dantine) from Venus with no pulse to warn Earth about the atom. Also starring Derek Bond. [S]Sat, Jul 29, 7:25 amTalkingPictures TV95 mins
Stranger From Venus1954. Sci-fi. Directed by Burt Balaban. A beautifully-crafted tale. A woman (Patricia Neal) meets a man (Dantine) from Venus with no pulse to warn Earth about the atom. Also starring Derek Bond. [S]Sat, Mar 25, 7:20 amTalkingPictures TV95 mins
Stranger From Venus1954. Sci-fi. Directed by Burt Balaban. A beautifully-crafted tale. A woman (Patricia Neal) meets a man (Dantine) from Venus with no pulse to warn Earth about the atom. Also starring Derek Bond. [S]Sat, Jul 16, 6:00 amTalkingPictures TV95 mins
Stranger From Venus1954. Sci-fi. Directed by Burt Balaban. A beautifully-crafted tale. A woman (Patricia Neal) meets a man (Dantine) from Venus with no pulse to warn Earth about the atom. Also starring Derek Bond.Sat, Dec 4, 7:20 amTalkingPictures TV95 mins
Stranger From Venus1954. Sci-fi. Directed by Burt Balaban. A beautifully-crafted tale. A woman (Patricia Neal) meets a man (Dantine) from Venus with no pulse to warn Earth about the atom. Also starring Derek Bond.Sat, Apr 17, 7:25 amTalkingPictures TV95 mins
Stranger From Venus1954. Sci-fi. Directed by Burt Balaban. A beautifully-crafted tale. A woman (Patricia Neal) meets a man (Dantine) from Venus with no pulse to warn Earth about the atom. Also starring Derek Bond.Sat, Aug 15, 11:00 amTalkingPictures TV95 mins